In the UNITED STATES only Congress can pass laws the Supreme Court can interpret the laws and then render numerous opinions.

Here are the laws in the UNITED STATES today: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Common Law, Equity Law, Constitutional Law, Admiralty Law, Military Law and Probate Law. All law is commercial law as incorporated by the UNITED STATES.

Here are the current UNITED STATES primary rules, regulations, statutes, sections, and codes according but not limited to the administrative procedures act and the separation of powers doctrine as follows: Uniform Commercial Codes, United States Statutes at Large, Codes of Federal Regulations, United States Codes, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and all the individual state codes, and local rules and procedures.

Note * here's one for all Americans to consider, how many laws have been legislated in the stronghold of the UNITED STATES since the Supreme Court was opened in seventeen eighty nine? What does it mean for professors of law and others individuals to have to explain the construction of those laws? When you learn the answer to those two questions you will want to contact the Original Good Faith Privatization Company to privatize your social security account. In the interim we will E-mail you our fifteen page document outlining privatization benefits.

For the record, the use of case cites is a mere means of transference of liability for all courts supporting any and all case cite claims. As the owner commissions, there are those who know the law, those who think they know the law, and there is everybody else. We hold zero liability for those individuals claiming knowledge of any and all rules regulations statutes sections codes or laws.